Friday, June 3, 2011

My Sister

I see sick people every day. I
comfort them, help them, talk to them and sometimes just pat them on the head and tell them that everything is going to be ok. It's easy for me, it comes naturally and I don't five it a second thought. But when it is someone you love, you family, then everything changes. My sister, Lori, went in to the hospital with a pain in her shoulder and side. By the time she got through the ER, they had diagnosed her with bilateral pulmonary embolisms, blot clots in two different lungs. . . Scary. Real scary. Potentially very very dangerous if not caught in time. But this time they did. And now after a few days in the hospital, she is home, resting comfortably. Whew!!!! Thank the Lord !!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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