Thursday, June 9, 2011

Eric The Mechanic

There are a few people who pass through this world and while they are not presidents or heads of state or movie stars, they have a big impact on your life. Almost everyone will have need of them at some point and finding a good one is like finding a pot of gold!!! A good dentist is one of these people. No one ever really wants to go to the dentist but when you find a good one it makes it just s little easier.
         Another person is a mechanic. We can spend thousands and thousands of dollars and still hear that ping in the engine or feel the shudder in the suspension. But a good mechanic and I mean a real good mechanic works with you, tries to save you money, honestly wants to make your life a little easier. I found one of those!!! A real good guy by the name of Eric. A mobile mechanic, he comes to the station picks up my broken car and brings it back fixed or with solutions to fix it. He is invaluable. He has integrity and is honest. He doesn't advertise but he works solid cause all of his customers won't give him up. I know this sounds like a shameless plug but I'll be a consistent return customer. He's just that good!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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