Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Test

I passed a milestone today. Or maybe it wasn't a milestone but an obstacle that I really wanted to overcome. I took a test, the second I've ever taken, in Israeli Krav Maga. It wad hard, real hard, 5 hours of hard. No breaks and having to go at 100% the whole time. Every bone in my body aches. I have a fat lip and I'm sure more bruises than ice had in a long time. But I did it. I completed the test and they will let us know the results early next week. (but I'm pretty sure I passed) the only downside to this whole process was that there was no one to celebrate with. Jenna came for an hour or so and rook some pictures but when I got home it was business as usual. No one wanted to see the pictures or hear the stories. Sad I guess. I pushed myself farther physically and mentally than I have done in s long time. I accomplished and overcame a lot and I know I did it and it makes me feel good. And that will have to do for now.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long Long Day

Today has been a very long day. Alyssa has been sick with migraines for the last week and has been in the ER four times with Cindy, trying to figure out what is up. I really feel for her cause she has had more medicine push into her, it is enough to kill a horse. Tonight she had a CAT scan, a spinal tap and now it is 1 am and they are waiting for an internal medicine consult. Too much. My oldest baby needs to get better soon, real soon!!!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Late Night

I have always been a late night person. For some reason I am able to stay up when everyone else has called it a day. There are alot of times I find myself the only one awake in a station full of people. Now don't get me wrong, I get tired and if I need to I can call asleep at the drop of a hat. But for the most part I guess I am a night owl. And I kinda like it I guess. It allows me time to think and breathe and relax, without all the hustle and bustle of everyday life here at the fire house. It can get lonely at times, and it would be nice to have someone who was like me and didn't need the sleep that everyone craves. But for now I will just have to be content with me and my quiet time. For now.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is one if the saddest pictures I have. I have no friends on my loopt app. No notifications, no friends sharing my location. I'll keep this app though, cause who know maybe I'll get to use it again. But for now I'll just watch and wait.

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