Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Holiday Birthday Club

I have this problem My birthday falls in a very inopportune time. Let me explain. My birthday is June 15th. Now at first glance it worked out great. I was always the correct age for the grade I was in. When I was young, the toys I would get I could use all summer and best of all my birthday signaled the beginning of Summer and best of all summer vacation. But as I grew older I found that around that same time were graduations and after kids Father's day. And it became easier and easier to start combining the days. So gifts would start coming as "Graduation/Birthday" gifts and "Birthday/Father's Day" gifts. Now I know some of you are about to nominate me for the Selfish Award and i probably could win. But think about it.... a special day right next to a special day. Like having your birthday on the day after Christmas. Everyone has gifts, oh and by the way here is an extra gift for your birthday tomorrow don't mind the Christmas wrapping!!! I think I will seek out all people whose birthday falls on or around a major gift giving holiday and we'll form a club. We'll stock up on "Birthday" wrappings only and always make a birthday a VERY special day no matter what holiday it lands on or near. We'll start the "Holiday Birthday Club".

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