Monday, December 5, 2011

A Bee Sting :(

I have been stung by a bee before and believe me it hurts, it is not an experience one wants to repeat or looks forward to suffer through.  But what if you got stung once a day . . . . every day . . . . for the rest of your life!!!!!  How long would it take for you to be fed up and frustrated, knowing that at the end of your day . . . every day . . . a bee was waiting just to sting you.  

That's my Cindy!!!

Every day for the rest of her life, she gets a shot with medicine.  Her doctors describe and she would agree that it feels like getting a bee sting every time . . . every day . . . for the rest of her life.  She is by far one of the strongest people I know.  She is diligent. She is consistent and every night I feel sad that I have to administer pain to the lady I love. But she keeps on going, she is at times the glue that holds an entire hospital together and at the same time keeps our family running.  She is a rock.  Like I said she is the strongest woman I know.

And every night . . . she gets stung by a bee :(  

I truly dislike MS and I cannot wait for the day this disease is eradicated from the face of the earth

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