Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Test

I passed a milestone today. Or maybe it wasn't a milestone but an obstacle that I really wanted to overcome. I took a test, the second I've ever taken, in Israeli Krav Maga. It wad hard, real hard, 5 hours of hard. No breaks and having to go at 100% the whole time. Every bone in my body aches. I have a fat lip and I'm sure more bruises than ice had in a long time. But I did it. I completed the test and they will let us know the results early next week. (but I'm pretty sure I passed) the only downside to this whole process was that there was no one to celebrate with. Jenna came for an hour or so and rook some pictures but when I got home it was business as usual. No one wanted to see the pictures or hear the stories. Sad I guess. I pushed myself farther physically and mentally than I have done in s long time. I accomplished and overcame a lot and I know I did it and it makes me feel good. And that will have to do for now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say congratulations. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to do Krav Maga. Many people don't understand the physical and emotional pressures it puts on your body. Good job on the test, I'm sure you passed!

When I first started Krav Maga, people thought I was crazy & insane - why was a 100lb, 5" girl doing this for? The guys in my class scorned me, told me I'd never be able to do it. Their remarks only pushed me more, gave me the motivation to kick their ass. I've been training for 11 months, and already achieved P3!