Thursday, September 9, 2010

Smokey Down!!

I'm sad. Smokey my German Shepard is hurting. We always argue amongst ourselves how old Smokey really is, we think around 9, 10 or even 11 years old. You see it's the hips. In large breed dogs, a common occurrence is hip dysplasia. She has carried the weight of her body as well as the responsibilities of the protecting the house. For years Smokey has been the one who has stood guard at the front door, was the imposing figure when someone unknown came to the house. I could not tell you how many times strangers have come to the house and been stopped cold by a simple look, not willing to find out what would happen if things went bad. But now Smokey is hurting, barely able to carry the weight of responsibility much less her own body.
This saddens me.

But that is only part of it, then there's Bella. The companion, the friend. We have had other dogs in the house, but Smokey has always held a higher place with Bella. Smokey is not like any other dog to Bella, they are companions, true companions. Its not physical, it never was, it would never work. They are too opposite. Its a chemistry, a knowing that connects the two, something that most animals, much less humans never have.

I am sad today because Smokey is hurting. I see it, my family sees it and I'm sure Bella sees it.

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