Sunday, July 25, 2010

Unconditional Love

I had a talk with one of the guys I work with lately and the subject centered around kids and the joy they bring and even the heartache they cause. And how seemingly no matter how mad you get at them, or how many times they push your buttons, you still cannot help but love them, completely. This is unconditional love. How is it that someone you have never met, never laid eyes on, never held in your arms, you would, at that instant, laid down your life for without question. That is how I feel about my kids. Jenna is my 16 year old daughter. She can get under my skin almost like no other (her older brother was pretty good too). There is almost no day that goes by where we don't clash in one area or another, driving, boys, friends the list is endless. But in the midst of strife and even when the dust settles, I can't help but love her completely. Alyssa drove me batty, Zachary tried to kill me, Jenna is in the middle of slaying me and Shelby is beginning to aim the gun. But I love em!! Unconditionally.

I have friendships that border on this as well. I can experience strife, miscommunication, LOS (see previous posts), but I always come back to them, I care for them, I worry for them, and I continue to love them. I hurt when they hurt, I am sad when they are sad and I miss them when they are not around. They pursue me or I pursue them, either way there is no obstacle or barrier that cannot be overcome. They love me unconditionally sometimes even in spite of me. I need these people in my life, more and more. They keep me grounded and challenged and I need that.

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