Thursday, July 15, 2010

Out of Reach

I was recently in a grocery store near my house and while walking down one of the isles watched as a lady was hopelessly looking for ways to reach an item on the top shelf. There was no way she was going to succeed, absolutely not it was completely out of reach. So being a 6 ft tall (ruggedly handsome) man, I asked her if I could help and promptly got her item.

My son became a Fire Explorer at the station I work at, even though he is not under my direct supervision I can reach out and touch him. Alyssa lives in Colorado and while it may be difficult at times I can still call, or text, or in some way reach out and touch her. My best friends live in Ohio and Washington State and I can at almost anytime night or day, reach out and call, text, skype or email.

It's when things or people are out of reach, just beyond my ability to call, text affect, or reach that makes me sad. When they are on the top shelf just inches from your fingertips and if you could grow your arm . . .just . . . alittle then you could reach them. Worse when you can see the item and watch your fingers dance on the edge of grasping.

NASA calls this time during re-entry, LOS for Loss of Signal. It is roughly 1310 seconds and during that time everyone is on edge, in anticipation of ROS or Return Of Signal.
I don't want to have 1310 seconds of LOS from any of those who I love and care about much less 1 second. And if they are, then I can't wait to have them ROS

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