Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Flight

Had a pretty eventful flight from LAX to San Jose Del Cabo. 30 minutes into the flight we got a huge jolt sideways on the plane like we'd been hit by a car and then calm......later found out the pilots had no idea what had happened and that it certainly got their attention. Ya think!!!!!! Then about halfway through the flight they come over the loudspeaker asking for a medical doctor with his credentials. I had stayed at a Holiday Inn so I stepped up. They thought it was a lady having an allergic reaction and they had her on O2 and were working her up. It was a Hypervent, prone to panic attacks. So I sweet talked her out of the tree and she was fine. The benefit of the whole adventure was that we got to take a picture with the head steward...... I think his name was.... Rob Lowe!!!!!

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